1. Autumnal Apples, 2. blanched almond flour, 3. Butter, 4. 365:207 Brown Sugar
Today for my desert I'll bake an apple crumble. It's so easy and fast to make and so delicious. All I need is flour ( I use a misture of all purpose flour and almond flour) butter, sugar, apples, cinnamon. That's it! Couldn't be any easier :))
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6 comentários:
Looks yummy!
this is one of our family's favorites too! in autumn we make it quite often with the apples of our garden!
delicious and a good idea !
hum, adoro crumbles! agora fiquei curiosa para ver o aspecto final! beijinhos :)
Looks delicious!
I love apple crumble! Nom Nom! :)
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